am a friendly, outgoing mature Caucasian with a warm personality who delights in helping others live
life to the fullest. I feel men are shackled by so many burdens they have
forgotten how to live. Men tend to make impersonal connections to get through
the day. And, they tend to focus on gadgets instead of those around then who
are probably just like them...looking for intimate, meaningful connections with
other human beings. Sadly, men often find more comfort in their pets, vehicles or TWEETS!
I have been a health conscious person from youth. I played in the yard, camped and hiked and swam as a Scout, served as a soldier in the US military, and attained certification as both a Massage Therapist and Personal Fitness Trainer. I know cleanliness, a healthful diet, and both physical and mental activity go a long way in preventing disease.
Education - I graduated from massage school in Virginia
in 2005 and was certified by National Certification Board Therapeutic Massage
and Bodywork (NCBTMB). In 2008 I gained certification as a Personal Fitness Trainer through The American Council on Exercise (ACE).
Through my vast experience and education I started M4M
Massage Tucson to provide you with unique services that encourage health maintenance,
particularly flexibility, as I see stiffness as a main health concern in us in
our sedentary lifestyle.